John Morton
With warmth, loving, and a unique ability to see the blessings in all things, John Morton regularly travels throughout the world to promote peace, and in support of spiritual awareness, education, and charitable causes.
John Morton works spiritually with students of Soul Transcendence and along with, John-Roger, has led numerous groups of people through Israel, Egypt, Greece and many other countries: journeys focusing on the study of peace and spiritual awakening.
John provides interviews for radio and television, conducts seminars, and facilitates workshops. He also presents free bi-monthly live internet webcasts. Topics include Forgiveness, Loving Relationships, Finding Peace in Today’s World, Exploring Spirit in Everyday Life, The Power Within You, and The Blessings Already Are. John’s presentations are interactive and help people find ways to experience greater love and peace in the midst of global issues and the challenges of daily living.
His books, “The Blessings Already Are”, “You are the Blessings” and “Blessings Here and Now”, are practical and inspirational guides to finding the blessings in everyday life. Syndicated columnist and author Arianna Huffington says that “The Blessings Already Are shows how living in a state of gratitude is truly living in a state of grace.” Dr. Jean Houston, Best-Selling author and researcher, says that “You Are the Blessings is so important in a time in which the well-being of all requires that treasures of Heaven must be brought to Earth.”
John is on the Boards of Insight Seminars and the University of Santa Monica where he serves as Vice-Chancellor.