
Forgiveness is one of the fastest and most effective ways of releasing upsets, tensions, and judgments. All you need to do is forgive yourself for the judgments you have made.

Statements of Forgiveness

Forgiving yourself for your judgments usually releases the negative charge you have on yourself or the situation. To begin the process, you can simply say, “I forgive myself for judging…,” then add a reference to the person or issue in question. When you do this, you will often find that, almost miraculously, something lets go inside and you feel as if a weight has lifted.

Statements of forgiveness can be very general: “I forgive myself for judging my mother.”

However, if you do not experience a release of judgment, it might help to be more specific:

“I forgive myself for judging my mother for not buying me the pair of shoes I wanted.”

Perhaps you’ve hurt someone else—hurt their feelings, for example—but the other person isn’t around, so you can’t apologise directly. In that case, you might say, “I forgive myself for judging myself for anything I may have done to _______________________ [fill in the person’s name] in _______________________ [fill in a descriptive word or phrase] situation.”

You can say these statements of forgiveness out loud or internally. You may only need to say the statement once, or you may need to say the statement a number of times until you connect with it and experience the release.

The Release of Judgement

How can you tell if you’ve released the judgement? You might spontaneously let out a sigh or take a deep breath. You might feel a surge of energy or warmth in your body, or a feeling of relief. Whenever you make a judgement against another person, it is stored in your body.

Forgiving yourself releases the other person from your energy field.

During Your Day

As you go through your day, give yourself forgiveness breaks. Take ten seconds to sit quietly and forgive yourself for judging yourself or others.